What's A Moto Cultivator

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Operator working with the Sadwater
Heavy dental and semi-trailerMotolock - Universal mobile power supply based on single axle chassis, small tractor variety. The word of the motob was used in Russian in the 1980s. It replaced the previously uncomfortable terms used: pedestrian tractor, small pedestrian tractor, single-axis tractor. The motob operator is following the machine on the soil being processed, holding the car behind the controls.
In the method of aggregation with an instrument, moltos and motoculators (motors) are distinguished. The wheelchair is equipped with a traction force created by the wheel traction unit, and the moto cultivator has an instrument (Freza, propeller) placed on the lead axis instead of the wheel. Many motobs allow different aggregation schemes, but usually for lung motobs the base assembly is a ferrestrial moto cultivator and for heavy plows.
Removable-trailer and gear selectionThe first prototypes of a lung two-wheel tractor for a manual flare appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. One of the first patents was issued to a Swiss defendant, Conrad von Meyenburg (Konrad von Meyenburg), in 1912, who subsequently sold his rights to him by the German firm Siemens-Suckertwerke, which produced the production of the Siemens Bodenfräse moto cultivators. These were both very small and very large, size and power models approaching these tractors. Since 1934, the cultivator unit has been purchased by Bungartz, which has continued its production under its brand.
In the 1920s to 30s, similar structures began to appear in other developed countries - Swiss SIMAR, English British Anzani Iron Horse, American Beeman Tractor and others - but their popularity peaked in post-war years.
The unit consists of the engine, the transmission, the running unit, the aggregation system and the control system.
Gasoline and diesel engines are used on motors (in old models, two-stroke, four-stroke). Motorcycle engines shall be equipped with automatic speed regulators that facilitate the operation of the operator. The nominal power range of lung motor units is between 1 and 5 l. s and 4 to 10 l. s. More powerful engines are rarely used.